Rapper whatttttttt!!!!
8years ago I thought I would be rocking stages with the likes of M.I, TIWA SAVAGE, and Eva Alordia and the likes, as one young dope femcee.
Please don’t allow my village people to use you against me.
Please Don’t ask me to start dropping punch lines o.
some of my friends have probably given up on me already, for I am always starting up a new hustle every damn year. I’m sorry but not sorry, I’m still in the process of figuring this whole life out.
But honestly though, back then it was looking realistic, I thought I would have been a known artist by now, going on road tours, making hit songs, collaborating with superstars and of course making some cool money.
My dear friends that I promised first class ticket to some events and also travel the world together based on say,” I would have been a big artist by now”. I am so sorry, life happened but we are still going to travel the world together but not as MOTUNES but THATTOKELADY the ALARINKA.
You know the saying that the best things that happen to us in life are the things not planned for or unforeseen.
I never planned to be a travel blogger but of course, I have always been that girl that loves traveling.

Travelling has always been my escape plan from my boring university lifestyle.
If you know Uniosun Okuku Campus In Osun State you will know there is only one line of routine
From School to Night market to Country club And back to your hostels.Except on days we have birthday parties, departmental parties or any of our boring parties.
Nothing of fun was going on, no places to visit unless you travel out of that vicinity and YES I travel every time, almost Every weekend.
An escape to just go out to refresh me before school loads of work runs me mad.
Ibadan/Ilorin/Lagos was my go to, not because I was going to have that fun lifestyle but for my sanity.
It’s a 6hours journey from Lagos to school and I don’t mind jumping on the next available bus every time. My friends call me TAMBOLO (ant) because well! Sitting in one position for long ain’t my thing.
I never knew that one-day TAMBOLO will turn out to be ALARINKA.
ALARINKA OF AFRIKA was a name given to me by one of my Instagram fams, how suitable it turned out for me now.
Just about this time last year, nothing seems to be working as planned.
Everything was on a standstill and I dared for a change. Didn’t know how it was going to turn out but I wasn’t ready to let depression have the best of me.

I knew I had to change my environment, for the time being, fresh air in a new city, a new humble beginning if possible, for I know what traveling does to my soul and it seems like the only option.
I started making calls to friends in other states because Lagos was too toxic for me at that moment. And yes! Move now was what I heard and I hearken unto it.
my starting point was Ogun state, I visited Olumo-Rock that I never had the chance to visit throughout my 6years stay in Abeokuta, and at the top of the mountain, right, there I wanted to see more beauty of the world. I was marveled at what I saw and I wanted to see more.
I started traveling INTENTIONALLy, on the 15th of June 2018, paying attention to details, researching more about attractions in Nigeria, destinations filled with histories and culture. It was then I knew I wanted to be a historical traveler, someone who passes deep information of our past heritage, our cultures, and beliefs
I have been to 16states in the space of 9months, and I can’t wait to backpack and hit the road yet again

I want to show that there is more to this country than negative news and bad governance.we just have to learn how to live and enjoy our lives regardless and Nigeria has all the resources needed to help you relax.
There are more beautiful destinations in this country to show to the whole world, we are rich in culture and our heritage are worthy. We need to be self-aware of our immediate environment and that is what I am here to do.
It will be too Cliché to say that I didn’t choose this part but it chose me, that’s one misused phrase that I know of, but still, it’s the truth.
It hasn’t been easy, some adventures are drilling but I’m ready for it, I’m up for the challenges and I pray God continue to shed light on this part of mine.

The Goal.
· To explore all African countries before 30.
· Explore the whole 36states in Nigeria before 27. (We have 20) left to go
· Promote Nigerian tourism and lending my voice in changing the narrative of tourism in Nigeria.
· Become the Minister for Tourism, Art and Culture in Nigeria
· Improve some tourist attractions by making available amenities needed for a better exploration and better experience of these sites.
.Add my quota in eliminating poverty in Nigeria by volunteering in community services, touching one life at a time as I travel around the country.
· Be one of the best-ranked Tour guide outfits in Nigeria.
I am dating this down on the website today 8th of May 2019, hopefully, in 5years time, I would make it a point of reference on how far I have come and see if the dream is still going to be valid before then just because life keeps happening to us every day.
And one of the most fulfilling feeling would be, if by any chance my contents travel far as changing peoples mindset about exploring this country and they start to see what i have been trying to show them. it will fell great getting such feedba.
I feel light right now sharing this with you all, I hope you all are going to be my accountability partners, watch out for me and sometimes remind me of the purpose of this journey.
And I hope you can share in the comment section anything you’d like to achieve in the coming years. I would be glad to be your accountability partne
Amen! Amen! To all your goals, from your blog to God’s ear. I celebrate you now with your current achievements and I’m looking forward to how God is going to make your dreams a reality. Congratulations in advance 🎉
Thank you so much sister, thank you for believing in the girl.