Hello Alarinkaz,
I hope you started off your week on a good note On today’s features on the travellers corner we have the award-winning, goal getter TheFisayo who is known for her incredible works in advocating for Africa Tourism and also helping people to become a successful travel blogger.
Today, she will be sharing her transition from a corporate 9-5 worker to becoming a full time travel blogger.
I featured her particular on this topic to inspire anyone that has made this decision or you are thinking this could be the next step that you can do it too if you’re convinced and passionate enough.
Below is my interview with the award-winning blogger and I hope it inspires and enlighten you. Enjoy..

1:Kindly introduce yourself;
My parents named me Fisayo Olayinka-Bello, and I branded myself TheFisayo. I am a Nigerian award-winning travel blogger (https://thefisayo.com/), focused on promoting Tourism in Africa. I am also a YouTuber, podcast host, big dreamerteaching travel blogging courses, and an innovator who thrives at the intersection of tourism, technology and advocacy.
2:How long have you been a travel blogger?I started blogging in December 2016, so that would make it 3 years and 7 months.
3:When was that turning point for you that made you realize it’s high time you left the corporate world?Well, before I started my 9-5 I had always wanted to be an entrepreneur, running my own business, providing jobs to people and ultimately make the world a better place based on whatever I build.
However, I wanted to gain some form of experience and practice the course I studied in school for my undergraduate degree which is – Industrial Relations & Human Resource Management.
I got the experience I wanted at 2 separate companies and I felt like it was time to start my own thing.
At the time, I wouldn’t say I was well equipped with the tools and knowledge to run a business, but it was a risk I ventured into optimistically.
4: What was your 9-5 like that made you give it up?For my first job after NYSC, I was a Human Resource intern, and my next job was as a Human Resource Analyst.
The pay was alright, and I liked the fact that I was practicing what I studied in school. It felt like I had checked all the boxes.
However, when your heart wants something, or when you feel like you are being directed to do something, you would always look forward to accomplishing it.
In my case, it was following my dreams, my passion to start a business and take little steps to help people through my blog articles and YouTube videos.
5: Who/ what inspired you to think “Travel blogging” was the next phase?
Well, at the time (2016/17), my blog was focused on my lifestyle, which included sharing book reviews from books that inspired me or transformed my mind.
Other topics covered on my blog then was travel, food, and makeup.
However, the month I ended my 9-5, I attended a travel conference and I listened to a panelist sharing the gaps in the Nigerian tourism industry.
With my natural flare to proffer solutions to problems identified, I decided to focus my blog on travel and tourism. Specifically to promote travel destinations in Nigeria to Nigerians and international tourists.
I later expanded my focus to Africa because I did not like the picture painted of the African continent on the media. I took it upon myself to change that narrative through African destination promotion on my site and YouTube videos.
6: What are the 5 key Elements to becoming a successful travel blogger like you?AH! I have blown oh.
Well, the key is finding a problem you are passionate about and being focused to solve that problem notwithstanding the obstacles you might face.
- Two, position yourself among industry gurus by attending networking events.
- Three, do not be shy to ask questions from people or seek for help.
- Four, make sure you are not doing this for the money alone. Get your mind ready for delayed gratification. I say this because the Nigerian tourism industry is still growing, and some structures have not been well established enough for you to see a clear career growth.
- Five, ask God for direction.
7: Would you advise anyone to quit their 9-5 for blogging?
Well, I would say plan before you do so. If you want to turn blogging into a full time business/career, make sure you have at least 2 steady streams of income through blogging before you decide to quit you 9-5.
If the two streams of income out way your 9-5 salary, then, you can make the decision to take more time to focus on building your blogging business.
This is something I wish I did before I quit my job. This is the reason I have taken it upon myself to help other travel bloggers start and grow the sustainably through the travel blogging course I started.
At the end of the day, the decision is left to you, my major advice would be that you ask God for direction.
8: Have you always been this ambitious and goal driven?
Haha,it is funny you ask.
Sometimes during self reflection, I wonder what my top 3 qualities are, when I struggle to come up with something, I ask my friends or my university undergraduate course mates.
More often than none, the top quality they all mention is that I am entrepreneurship driven.
This is a quality I will attribute to the books I read, the environment I surround myself with, and the schools I went to that helped shape my mindset.
Plus, my mum is also a huge source of inspiration to me. She is a superwoman.
9:As a new blogger! What are the top 5 qualities I must possess?
There is no top 5 quality at the top of my head.
I would say, be open to new ideas and be open to solving problems.
Oh, one key thing is to be yourself and know what you want to achieve.
As much as I tell you to be open to new ideas, it does not mean it should be in contrast with your value system.
When I started blogging, I got several suggestions to make my blog a gossip blog because “that is what sells faster”.
If I wasn’t a focused lady with a strong conviction of what I wanted, I would have easily succumbed to these suggestions.
So decide what your value systems are, decide what the goal for your blog is, and run with it.
10: How long did it take you before you start monetizing your blog?I started monetizing my blog about 3 months after I quit my 9-5. This was definitely encouraging, but I did this by booking meetings and submitting proposals as I mentioned in this IGTV post I did.
11: What was your transitioning into the industry like; Challenges & Opportunities?
The great thing about the travel industry is that there is a low barrier of entry, which makes it easy for the industry to grow.
As for blogging, I started blogging before I got my first job post NYSC, and for more stories as to how I started, click here.
12: How can I know when it’s time to monetize my blog.The question is when do you want to start making money?
If you want to start making money now, there are several streams of income to harness to help achieve that goal.
You just need to put the right strategies in place. If you need more information, DM me on Instagram @TheFisayo.

Thank you so much TheFisayo for an enlightening and inspiring interview with you.
I hope this inspire more people to follow their passion and stay committed to it.
Till Next week on another episode of a “traveller’s corner” Stay Safe.
Alarinka cares ❤️
Aww thank you for this interview. Welldone dear.